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7th Nordic Respiratory7th Nordic RespiratoryScience Network -symposium, which will be sent as a live webcast from Copenhagen. We would like to inviteyou to this live-meeting, which is transmittet to hospitals in the nordic countries.Our international guest speaker will be Prof. Ian Pavord from Oxford University, UK. He will speak on thetopic of “Asthma phenotypes – the challenge with heterogeneity”. For many years, asthma treatment has beenbased on “one size fits all” philosophy and patients have been titrated up and down in their medication dose.Now, there are new ways being developed for asthma treatment that targets groups with a certain patient profile,and therefore doctors need tools to determine, if a patient fits to a specific profile to secure optimal treatment.The symposium will be chaired by Prof. Vibeke Backer from Bispebjerg University Hospital, Universityof Copenhagen, Denmark.
Where: In your local Clinique, your local AstraZeneca Representative will setup the webcastWhere: In your local Clinique, your local AstraZeneca Representative will setup the webcastProgram:
16.15 Registration and Coffee
16.40 Product News from AstraZeneca Denmark
17.00 Welcome and introductionTrine Madsen, Brand Manager, AstraZeneca17.05 Innovation within respiratory in AstraZenecaJesper Kildehøj, Medical Advisor, AstraZeneca
17.15 Asthma – why phenotyping?Prof. Vibeke Backer, Bispebjerg University Hospital, University ofCopenhagen, Denmark
17.40 Asthma phenotypes- the challenge with heterogeneityProf. Ian Pavord, University of Oxford, UK18.20 Questions and discussion18.55 Summary and closing wordsProf. Vibeke Backer
19.00 Symposium and webcast end
19.00 Light mealThe live webcast will be held in English.
To take part of the live webcast 4th of October 2017, please contact me by phone/e-mail, the latest by 27/09-17